Day #41- Last Day! Make a comprehensive to-do list

  1. Eat a healthful diet with limited calories
  2. Think about what I'm eating before I put it in my mouth
  3. Sit down when I eat
  4. Eat slowly and mindfully
  5. Eat only to mild fullness
  6. Monitor my eating throughout the day
  7. Give myself credit
  8. Do planned exercise 4+ times a week
  9. Do spontaneous exercise
  10. Respond to sabotaging thoughts
  11. Weight myself once a week
  12. Check in with my diet coach
  13. Make sure I have the time and energy to devote to dieting
  14. Read my Advantage Response Card 2 times a day
  15. Use anti-craving techniques
  16. Use Seven Question Technique when I'm upset
  17. Prepare myself for special-occasion eating
  18. Do problem-solving to reduce stress
  19. Take steps to enrich my life

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