Day #1: Record the Advantages of Losing Weight

Taken from The Beck Diet Solution
by Dr. Judith S. Beck

Advantage Response Card
I'll live longer
I'll be more confident
I'll be less self-critical
I'll have more energy
I'll have less joint/back pain
I'll have less digestive problems (heartburn)
I'll lower my blood pressure
I'll have less migraines and headaches
I'll lower my cholesterol
I'll decrease my stress levels
I'll be stronger physically
I won't have that icky, heavy feeling
I'll feel as if I've accomplished something important
I'll feel more in control
I'll enjoy sexual intimacy even more
I'll feel less self-conscious in a swimsuit or naked
I'll feel more attractive

I need to read my Advantage Response Cart at least twice a day if I want to resist temptation. It'll take only a few seconds. It's not a big deal. I might not need it psychologically today, but I'll need it soon. I have to cement these reasons in my mind for when the going gets tough.

I'll read my Advantages Response Card at the following times:
1- First thing in the morning when I get up
2- At 3:00 pm (a difficult time for me when I'm on a diet)
3- Any time I'm struggling with the temptation to go off my diet plan

My reminder system will be:
1- I'll post them on my mirror for my morning read
2- I'll program them in my iPhone to go off as a message at 3:00

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