Day #7 - Arrange Environment

I'll make the following changes at home:

1- I've told my kids and Dave that I'm on a diet and won't be cooking certain foods any more. They can cook those things if they want them.
2- I'll ask my family to not comment on what I eat, especially if they catch me making a mistake.
3- I'll be using smaller dishes at home, and keeping the family treats hidden in a spot that I won't allow myself access to.

I'll make the following changes at work:

1- I will not make coffee runs with my classmates or coworkers, because they tend to buy sweets with their coffee and it's hard for me to resist.
2- I won't bring home-baked goodies for my clients unless they are healthy and on my diet.
3- I'll tell my substance abuse group that I appreciate the snacks they bring, but I can no longer join them in eating during group therapy. Their therapist is on a diet!

CREDIT: Today I ate a small, healthy breakfast, and again resisted the holiday treats on the counter.

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